We Cultivate and Empower Positive Changemakers

By improving the wellbeing of ourselves and those around us we seek to harness the power of love and service to nurture joyfulness, compassion and understanding.


What We Do

Preminary facilitates the discovery of life’s greater story through the practice of Giving, Gatherings, and Growth.

Awe in Nature; Photo by Denys Nevozhai

Upcoming Gatherings

meeting of the minds. Photo by Dylan Gillis
2024 Spring Season

We’re Preparing

No Current Gatherings Scheduled

We’ve had some successful gatherings and have learned a great deal. We’re now taking a moment to evolve our practice and plan for what’s to come.

Join The Community

Our growing community mutually thrives in our ongoing quest for fulfillment through giving, personalized guidance, creating opportunity and ongoing practice.

The Preminary community is dedicated to empowering others to discover their personal gifts and share them with others.