Introducing Preminary Giving Circles
We are very pleased to have launched the Preminary Giving Circles. We’d been discussing the potential power of merging social engagement and philanthropic giving to enhance both the amount of giving and the overall experience. Our ultimate goal, of course, is to expand awareness of the reciprocal power of giving. Turns out we’d stumbled upon the concept already defined as a giving circle.
A giving circle is a group of people collectively supporting a cause. Of course the concept of support can take on many forms, easily categorized using the ‘4 T’s’:, treasure, time, talent, and ties. Giving circles are very popular in philanthropic communities as it becomes clear that giving benefits both the receiver and the giver. Groups who support a cause together also enjoy an enhanced sense of social connection; they participate more, give more, and feel more connected because of it.
We started the Preminary Giving Circles through our retreat program. Currently, each retreat group becomes a giving circle able to choose the cause to which they will contribute. The first major donation (treasure) is funded directly from each retreat’s program fee. Once the logistics, lodging, programming, and administration is paid for, each Retreat Giving Circle is provided a substantial portion of the remaining fees to give away to the cause of their choice. This is only the first step for the group, as our hope is that their commitment to their cause extends well beyond the financial gift and continues to include their time, talents, and ties.
We’re very positive with our first few Preminary Retreat Giving Circles and look forward to expanding the program. As our number of giving circles increases, we’re certain that there will be additional learnings. We’ll keep you updated as we learn more about this rewarding way to cultivate positive change makers.