An Outdoor Haven for Foster Children Siblings

Photo by Annie Spratt

Preminary Funds a Safe and Revitalizing Outdoor Haven for Foster Children Siblings

Working with our dedicated partners at Olive Crest, we are creating a nurturing and revitalizing outdoor haven for sibling children in the foster care system. Dealing with the trauma of entering the foster care system is already challenging, but for siblings who face being separated against their will it can be devastating. The Cottage Foster is designed to house up to six children in sibling sets keeping them together in a safe environment until a more permanent long term solution can be found.

The outdoor area at Olive Crest’s Cottage Home is a welcomed sanctuary for its residents allowing them to come together, build meaningful connections with each other in a natural environment. Many residents struggle with mental health, trauma, PTSD, and other challenges often as a result of family and shelter uncertainty. The Preminary funded outdoor haven will be a respite to calm, heal, and begin building a strong future.

Learn more about our dedicated partners at Olive Crest >


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